Archive for the ‘symbolism’ Tag

Ebullient Living…

Finches have arrived in my awareness.


 They are all around..


They visit me at home, and they accompany us as on our walks…


Bouncy and light

Bouncy and light


Joyful and sweet.


I just had to look into their symbolism..


Excited to see what their message is…



Crimson Joy

Crimson Joy



The word Ebullient is a statement of the finch.


“Cheerful and full of energy”













They are a beautiful omen of bright days and high energy ahead…


They ‘bounce’ and they ‘bobble’…


Enjoying the ride of the breeze, wherever that may take them…


Appreciation of life....

Appreciation of life….


We are embarking on a new adventure.


Unknown fully to us yet..


But the wisdom of the Finch reminds me to be grateful for it all…


It’s all great…


Thank you Avia Venefica for you beautiful wisdom.

14 apr – 100 Miracles…

Today I woke before dawn, which I love and in my meditation I asked for 100 miracles today and promised that I would see each and every one.

I did and I have

but oh so many more then 100.

The air is full of dragonflies, each a little miracle.

I love this time of year in Darwin when the southern states are cooling down Darwin is spring to life, you can feel it in the air there’s a feeling excitement after the heat of the wet.

This is when the ‘Darwinites’ come out to play, and play they do…

Morning Sky

the miracle of light..

the miracle of each new day

the miracle of connection

Two very happy water puppies...

the miracle of water

the miracle of light and colour

found my pot of gold...

heaven's colours

A bit of Dragonfly symbolism

Power and Poise
The dragonfly’s agile flight and its ability to move in all six directions exude a sense of power and poise – something that comes only with age and maturity.
The dragonfly can move at an amazing 45 miles an hour,  hover like a helicopter fly backwards like a hummingbird, fly straight up, down and on either side. What is mind blowing is the fact that it can do this while flapping its wings a mere 30 times a minute while mosquitoes and houseflies need to flap their wings 600 and 1000 times a minute respectively. 

The awe inspiring aspect is how the dragonfly accomplishes its objectives with utmost simplicity, effectiveness and well, if you look at proportions, with 20 times as much power in each of its wing strokes when compared to the other insects.  The best part is that the dragonfly does it with elegance and grace that can be compared to a veteran ballet dancer. If this is not a brazen, lazy, overkill in terms of display of raw power, what is?

each one a little miracle...

everywhere you look...miracles...

Rudy did get one to sit on his finger...I wasn't quick enough..




good luck





